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LINK Karen Demanded Delivery Guy To Check Out Her Groceries And She Got What She Wanted

Why can’t they just take no for an answer?

Karens are the worst. I don’t think I should explain what a “Karen” is, but some people are still in the dark over here. So, let me enlighten you. A Karen is a middle-aged typical white woman with a short bob, wearing a tracksuit, who drives a mini-van and would like to speak to your manager. Do you get the picture in your head? I hope you’re seeing a snobby, short woman with a tonne of attitude. If that is what you’re seeing, you got it right.

Anyone who works in customer service or retail just dreads a Karen. They are never satisfied and are highly self-entitled. This man on Reddit shared his story of when he faced a Karen in a place he didn’t work at. The story will have you laughing out loud. Scroll down below to read it:

HippieChick58 9 Nov 21

Enjoy being online again!

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That was an awesome take down..🤣🤣🤣

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