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When I was a Christian I used this same thinking. God intended for me to get this job. God intended for me to marry this beautiful woman. God intended for my life to be perfect.

One day after a life changing event, I decided to question everything I had been taught. At that point, I realizes that it was me wanting those things badly and arrogantly claiming it was gods will. I wanted to be spiritually superior to others by proclaiming god told me this or that. Now I see these statement for what they are. A very arrogant person trying to act like he’s got the hotline to god.

Based on the Bible, Trump is lucky god didn’t pull a Sodom and Gomorrah on him


they don't see reality the same as others. I actually feel sorry for them.


Sorry. The Dems' insanely reckless and irresponsible pied piper strategy of running a mediocre corporate tool against the Bloated Orange Blumpkin worked... just four years late.



God isn't a registered voter and this Evan can go fuck himself. I'm a Dudeist Priest so have just as much authority as this Evan does, concerning God, and have never believed DJT was POTUS. Now that we've established our personal belief, or opinion, on the temporal office maybe we can move on to God? Being a Taoist it's my belief that we're all, as John Mellencamp said, "The ancient dreaming dust of God" and I say Joe Biden is President-Elect.


Who is Joe Biden? Can I get a 992? 8 left.

Word Level 8 Nov 23, 2020

Thank doG the word God is not in the American constitution. Or we would be all kneeling and praying 5 times a day.




Acceptance is a beast.
We have Biden now they can stop crying.

...but they're still crying and expressing forcefullness and violence.


Had a conversation with the voices in his head.


I guess he discussed it with God.


Millions of people believe and accept these idiots to be their authority figures without question.


Maybe he can get god to show up and tell his side. I'll just wait over here. Or like the old joke: "As a child I knew god existed because Santa wouldn't lie to me."



Mvtt Level 7 Nov 22, 2020

Female sign also resembling the Egyptian 'ankh' the symbol of life.


Well, if GOD agrees with him he must be right.


If God agrees , then why is Biden President elect ?

Now now my good woman. Asking awkward and highly relevant questions like that can get you into serious trouble with Trumpty Dumpty! 😉


Well then in that case should he NOT also refuse and deny ANY and ALL benefits, etc, that he may gain from the up-coming Biden Presidency as well?


And his covert message is don't forget to give.


Fine - then if god agrees with you, and has rigorous evidence of voter fraud, let him present that evidence.

In person, of course - because if you present it, it's not god's evidence, it's yours.

And while you're at it, isn't it a bit arrogant to say 'My god is all seeing and all knowing - and I KNOW what he's thinking!'? Isn't that rather as if you're claiming to either read god's mind, or that your understanding is a match for your perfect god? Just saying.


Why are such dangerously insane people even allowed out of secure accommodation?




They are indeed the problem and how would he know that his god agreed with him?

Because his god is entirely made up in his own mind and imagination.

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