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I'm speechless. Watch this. You'll be glad you did.


TheoryNumber3 8 Nov 27

Enjoy being online again!

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bobwjr Level 10 Nov 27, 2020

That WAS a very nice short film. I got the gist of it even though I didn't understand the language. I found a link with English subtitles that helped me appreciate it even more. <Redundant link deleted>

I think you must have scrolled down to the original one in Iranian. The video at the top of the post has subtitles.

@TheoryNumber3 yep, that's exactly what I did. By the way I was a bit nervous to click on a link without being sure where I was going. Decided to live on the edge and clicked anyway. The video was heartwarming - just the thing we all need these days.

@Elissa You're a brave woman 🙂 Glad you took the plunge.

If you go on youtube, there's a whole bunch of these short Iranian videos and they're incredibly moving! I don't have the attention span to watch long videos, so these are perfect for me, and each one has a strong message.

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