The Human Rights Campaign recently released a “Blueprint for Positive Change,” highlighting a number of things Joe Biden‘s administration could do to make lives better — and more equal — for LGBTQ people.
Some of the advice is to just undo the damage of the previous administration. Some of it fixes loopholes that have been or could be exploited. For example, the Blueprint says the “Higher Education Opportunity Act,” a law first passed in 1965, could be interpreted to required accreditation agencies to grant a stamp of approval to religious institutions even if they discriminate in hiring or teach false science.
This is simply politics. Notice that Franklin Graham talks of an agenda being pushed within the Democratic party. This sways you to the GOP line of thinking if you catch it, but Graham is a liar. His thoughts go along the lines of Trump and DeVos and the mixing of church and state.
Graham is an immoral demagogue.
And a fuckin’ asshole who I’d just like to toss in the East River.