Virtually every agnostic lives like an atheist, living completely irreligious lives
Dennis Prage
As a nullifidian (a person having no faith or religious belief), I resemble that remark!
Generalizations are stupid, and this one is dumber than that....
Pissed on a newbie you are triple his age.... blame radio tv cult liar DENNIS PRAGEr.... thankyou @AmibolaAina for alerting us to our enemies....some of whom are sour puss in our midst
Yes, the difference is merely in the definition of what does "to know" mean, and if a non falsifiable statement has meaning.
Agnostic (in the original concept) simply does not care to believe or not in something that can't be tested or verified.
Other than that the actions and day to day routine is "as if" there is no supernatural stuff until a proposition that can be tested arise.