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Fact of life.......

CuddyCruiser 8 Dec 2

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This was meant as an insult to religious fanatics and evangelicals, who only want to be told what they want to hear........and shouting down any challenges to their ingrained foolishness.


Oh, I dunno, I was on a coffee meet, and right off the bat the guy said something nasty about "the wetbacks in the kitchen", so I left. IMO an excellent example of what is wrong with generalizations such as the one above, which says you must put up with any damn, you do not!


That is unless somebody says something offensive. They know when they do it. If someone innocently says something offensive, explaining it to them is better than feeding them a knuckle sandwich.

Expect others to consider every possible listeners perspective before they express their perspective is both impossible and dommed to silence unless everyone is the same.

Impossible because how could you possibly expect everyone to know you as well as you know yourself?

Otherwise doomed to silence because virtually everyone's viewpoint is bound to offend someone. And their report that you offending them will probably offend you. So we either all agree completely if we speak or we will remain silent for fear of offending someone.

Sounds like an impossible situation or impossibly dull situation to me.

I'm with Joe on this one. While I personally don't have a line, and I agree that too many people feign outrage over things that are mildly offensive, that shouldn't be just cause for this counter-culture that thinks you can say the N word and other frequently-violence-provoking shit thinly veiled as protest against the "snowflakes".

@JeffMurray Exactly.

@JeffMurray, @prometheus A harmless remark that is met with selfrighteous indignation is stupid and annoying. That I wholeheartedly agree with. Don't use pejorative terms or talk down to people either. That is offensive. Just because some people take offense over nothing, some people are actually insulted. I agree you shouldn't have to walk on eggshells because a person insists on being a victim. That doesn't give anybody a free ride to talk shit either.

Abuse. That was the word I was looking for.

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