Just because a person is agnostic doesn't mean that they have to believe in evolution and the same goes for atheists and theists. Do you believe in evolution?
You mean the theory that was proven three different ways not only through observations by Darwin of modern creatures, but through paleontology, and through genetic analysis? The theory that also has been proven through documented animal and plant farming of us breeding dogs vows chickens goats fish, beering hardy wild plants into edible easy to grow foods, fruit flies experiments, the mendelian pea experiments, and so on....
Yeah...I believe the second most well proven hypothesis, evolution through natural and artificial selection, is true, and it has rightly earned the classication of Theory and should be called in fill, the Theory of Evolution.
(The most well proven theory is Quantum Field Theory which can predict certain physical phenomenon to 12 decimal places of accuracy!)
Don't forget, morphology changes over continental climate zones, comparative anatomy, (important before genetics ) embryology, ring species, and observed modern adaptions, including things like antibiotic resistence in disease organisms. Not being pedantic, just throwing more fuel on your fire.
@Fernapple And your point is?
@Mcflewster No point just back up Makeitgood, for fun, (slight irony. )
@Fernapple Oh I see!
You are mistaken. It says right here in the 2020 Junior Agnostics Handbook, Rule 37b: “The Document of Affirmation of Belief in Evolution must be signed, notarized, and in the possession of the Office of Agnostic Certification no later than nine business days prior to the issuance of Agnostic License Card.”
Sorry. I don’t write the rules.
I do not believe in evolution. I accept the overwhelming weight of evidence for evolution. See also the comment by @Charles1971 .
There is nothing to "believe in". Evolution is not a religion.
Evidence supports evolutionary theory. I will accept the evidence while it remains falsifiable but not falsified.
I have found that the notion of falsifiable evidence is beyond the mental capacity of every believer that I have ever encountered.
@anglophone and many nonbelievers, unfortunately.
No, I don't believe in evolution. I accept that evolution has been proven as a scientific fact. There is over a century of empirical evidence, scientific study, and observed evolution in nature and in laboratories that provides overwhelming proof that evolution is real.
Well said,Charles1971.
Of course I believe in evolution.
An atheist since childhood, I chose rational thought, not magical beliefs.
It doesn't mean you have to believe in gravity either, but if you're agnostic but you believe in things that have evidence to support it, then you believe in evolution. What you don't seem to get is that evolution is an observable fact in tbe same way that gravity is an observable fact. What can be contested is the theory of why those things happen. There is a theory of gravity, to explain the observable fact that a rock falls and there is a theory of evolution to explain the observable fact of evolution. You can be an agnostic and not believe Darwin's theory of how evolution occurs but to not believe in evolution itself is to be on the same level as a flat earther, dumb as mud.
Ohferpetessake..." believe in evolution"????!! Do you "believe" the sun rises in the east & sets in the west? Get A Grip!
Another mamby pamby Agnostic slap the boy silly
Believe in Evolution? evolution is not a belief system.
The overwhelming proof of evolution makes anyone who rejects evolution obviously ignorant.
Evolution is science. You either understand science or you don’t. It is not a faith-based system. It’s an evidence-based system.
Like others have said, evolution is not a belief to believe. It's simply science.
Hi stranger. I hope you are well.
@graceylou That goes for me too...where have you been hiding?
@Marionville I’ve been around but not as frequently. I’m rather bored with this place. I just look in now and again.
If evolution were not a fact, there would not be a plethora of dog and cat breeds, a banana and many other common foods would be inedible, most adults would not need their wisdom teeth removed and one flu vaccine would be good for life.
We have most certainly been evolved. You should visit the Cradle of Humankind in South Africa and all over Africa.
Apologies i forgot to add the attachment.
Yep, fantastic experience to see those fossils firsthand.
evolution isn't a religion or a rumor. it is an observable natural occurrence. it doesn't matter whether we believe it; it chugs along without us. "theory" in science doesn't mean speculation, by the way. in addition, let's not confuse the big bang with evolution. yes, i know you didn't mention the big bang; i only mention it myself because people who don't understand what evolution is generally confuse or at least combine the two. anyway, no one who actually does know what evolution is about speaks of it in terms of belief, so i am wondering whether you do indeed understand it.
The stupid is strong here......
Not stupid, just need help.
I believe in things that can be proven and even be seen. Yes, evolution is not just a theory but fact. Everything evolves but there are more and more people that actually devolve.
I'm not comfortable with the designation "believe in" - as if it's a dogma or a religion. I would say I ACCEPT the theory of evolution as fact.