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A good friend of mine came down with Covid last week. I just got a call, he passed away. He was like a little brother to me. A big little brother 6'5" 300lb. Only 52 years old. I'm devastated. RIP Mark. I posted his pic on my profile to honor a good man.

barjoe 9 Dec 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I cannot say anything that will make this better for you. Remember him well and I will send you some good energy.


I'm very sorry.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 10, 2020

I’m so sorry to hear that sad news, it’s a tragedy to lose such a good and close friend.


Sorry for your loss of someone who was a good person and friend.




I'm so sorry for your loss. He looks like a sweet, good-natured guy, and was certainly way too young to die ... particularly like this. I hope your memories give you some comfort while you grieve.


I'm sorry for your loss.


so sorry to hear-I too found out one of my college friends died alone with Covid. It hurts to know thats what did them in.


Sucks. Sry

1of5 Level 8 Dec 8, 2020
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