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LINK Ken Paxton: The rank hypocrisy of the Texas AG's election case (opinion) - CNN

This would be funny if it were on a sitcom. Granted not very, and would need a laugh track.

1of5 8 Dec 9

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This lawsuit is not about overturning the election, it's about lobbying for a pardon from President Trump.

Oh yeah. Be interesting to see if the supremes add an opinion to the rejection....they're gonna reject it, right?

@1of5 Won't be an opinion. Denied.

@barjoe they can add reasons/opinions for the rejection, especially if there's dissent on the vote to hear.

@1of5 Won't though

@barjoe unfortunatly. It'd be nice if they'd use the opportunity to say "keep us the fuck out of partsan politics", but in legalize.


Paxton is and has always been a corrupt criminal.

Seems so.

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