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LINK Trump downplays Russian-linked cyberattack on U.S. - Axios

President Trump responded to the massive cyberattack on U.S. government departments and agencies and private companies on Twitter Saturday, claiming the "Fake News Media" is exaggerating the extent of the hack.

Why it matters: Trump, who had been silent on the attack until now, claimed that China may be responsible, contradicting Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and other governmental officials who have said that the breach was carried out by Russia.

(A pert of me wonders if Trump is easy on Russia because they are white, an dhard on China because they aren't white.)

snytiger6 9 Dec 19

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Diaper Donnie probably gave away some critical information that the Russians parlayed into this major break-in. He might have done it intentionally, or stupidly, or as part of his perpetual bragging.


Just like he downplayed the Covid "HOAX"...I feel so re-assured! You?


Putin has helped Trump in so many ways, including huge loans and his winning the elections in 2016. He will do anything to protect his only benefactor. China and Russia are not on friendly terms, so of course he will try and turn everything on China. If he didn't know about the hacks, I'm guessing he somehow made it easier for them to do it.


Putin owns trump... Everything trump does benefits putin... Everything

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