R/atheism post by user’s question about why religious people are taken seriously by society
I think years of indoctrination by religious authoritarian figures has poisoned the minds of people since young causing them to become comfortable with it and hardly ever allowing themselves to investigate and question it.
Don't we know the answer? Firstly, it is because it is the fear of what would happen if you don't, secondly who does not like free help?
There is no evidence to suggest that anything happens after death and absolutely no evidence that free help from faith has ever occurred. I get the delusional and childish need to want to think that there is some all knowing sky daddy who makes everything right but adults know that this is something we have to shoulder ourselves, help is not on the way, we are on our own.
That's would a logical thought but not of the religious folk.
I want to know why faith is seen as such a virtue. To believe something, despite all evidence to the contrary, despite clashing with reason, should not be a considered a virtue--ever.
When one considers that Faith is just the irrational belief in something without any factual evidence to support itself, it really should be classified as a type of mental illness.
I think faith is seen as a virtue because it was institutionalized with state sanctioned churches with authority. Any opposition to it was condemned. It only take s a few years for it to become our second nature. Imagine how it can be ingrained in to us over the last 2,000 years. All churches and Bible believers think anyone who does not follow the church and the Bible is siding with the Satan. Either you are with them or against them. No middle ground as the Bible teaches them. So the church goers are on the side of the good and virtues.
That's why I keep saying that atheists must gain power. The state must promote atheism as the way of life if not the law. Unless atheists win power, none of our side efforts, complains and whining is going to work. Christianity and Islam spread because they made emperors, kings adopt their faith. Hinduism did not break out beyond their land in spite of being the oldest but Buddhism spread only because of patronage of kings. Buddhism spread outside India because the repentant Hindu emperor Ashoka adopted Buddhism and sent his son and daughter overseas to take the Buddhism message across seas.
It is time that FFRF and all other anti-religion organizations begin getting powerfully funded and they start making their voice known in all government affairs at all levels... from school boards to Congress/parliaments to presidents and prime ministers including all courts.
They have a lot of guns and don't know how to use them safely?