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A purposeful detonation of a bomb in an RV across from the ATT building in downtown Nashville, Tn. Purpose or target unknown.only 3 injured, no deaths reported. Source or reason for bonbing is not known yet. Some speculation that it might be domestic terrorism (speculation: white nationalist or disgruntled retrumplican ). Potentially with grudge against AT&T.

t1nick 8 Dec 25

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Could be its' propane got out of control...more info before panic, please!

No one is panicking. However early reports are inconsistent with a simple propane mishap..


Police received a 911 call about shots fired in the immediately vicinity of the explosion. Police discovered the RV while responding to shots fired call. Noticed something suspicious and requested bomb squard. Explosion occurred as bomb squad was arriving.

Fortunate that no one was seriously hurt.

Targeting law enforcement, but done so badly I wonder if it's an attempt by stupid white supremacist to frame defund police type left wingers. They often do stupid stuff like this, like the weird pimp get up and preposterous antics they used tp shut down Acorn.
Relax, the answers are coming.


I think the timing is inconsistent with a "defunder" directed even to bring disrepute to that movement. Seems more likely that it was directed specifically at the local police. Could also be directed at AT&T since it was outside their building????

@t1nick I agree, more likely, but the truth is still quantum atm.


"Quantum atm", what's its connection.. Pardon my ignorance.

@t1nick Random probability. the final state will be determined when we observe the outcome. Probability fields are the waves of uncertainty between cause and effect, it's granularity based on the resolution of the Planck constant and quantum spin states. It helps to think of fields without time, the temporal aspects of relativity like time dilatation obscure quantum observations because time has less to do with causality then intuition would seem to indicate, it's mostly a way to quantify energy magnitude giving it a quantum spin.
Waves on the quantum foam.


Gotcha. Lol

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