(The first vaccine was developed without any ehlp from the Trump administration)
Meanwhile, after the nation’s deadliest COVID-19 day, his administration has delivered only a fraction of the promised (and privately developed) vaccinations.
Is that the same bunch who attended his Huge inauguration?
He is totally delusional, as are his “followers”. I just got a totally off the wall rant letter from a Trumplican cousin because I mentioned how nice it was to be getting rid of Trump in my Christmas newsletter. Even took the time to shred the newsletter and put them in the envelope.
I might mention that he was a Kansas City cop and one of the most racist people I have ever been around. So there is that. Helps explain why he loves The Orange Emperor so much.
What a crock! He is such a moron.
His followers are even worse.
@BitFlipper They have no idea how badly they're being played.