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hmm, fwiw free will does not seem to be treated in the Bible, but if anyone is said to have that it would be humans, not Yah, Who is bound by...well, i would say the same things that bind nature or whatever, physics, even if they are written as "promises" in the Bible.

But this assumes Yah as a "person" from the outset, right? A faulty assumption, imo


Lets be honest, we don't know if a god exist, we don't know what it can or can't do.


The link is drivel, unworthy of the insult: syllogism with a false premise.


However, the Flying Spaghetti Monster (PBUH) is omniscient and omnipotent and has free will! 😉

Instead of using a host for communion, do they use garlic bread?

@Canndue Yes, and it helps to keep the vampires away.


If you were raised Evangelical the free will argument was there to prove that god wanted you to choose him rather than him force you to do so. Nothing more, nothing less. Free will had nothing to do with ancients or philosophers. It was simply a choice your god gave you.


The problem of 'free will' has been 'discussed' by philosophers at least since the ancients. 😛


Maybe they should find a real job....


No shit, Sherlock!

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