8 4

There are still way too many crazies.

Lorajay 9 Jan 8

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This is sedition and insurrection, a blatant violation of the Constitution. These people are domestic terrorist and should be jailed in Guantanamo with the other terrorists.


I have seen infiltrators at BLM rallies. I would expect to see infiltrators at this event. And we already know they're vicious and stupid.


So do we do a sweep-stake on how many they actually get ? Tickets from ten people to ten thousand, should not need more than that, and if you get somewhere around a thousand , you have a good chance of winning.


"Millions" the " millions" Tuesday?


The Dem Party nowadays has about as much to do with Communism as I have any connection to the Tea Party or the Federalist Society, ie none.....


If they do show up, I demand that the cops and military treat them like BLM and immediately use tear gas, water cannons and start cracking heads if they even try to move past the barricades. Followed by mass arrests, prosecutions, and jail time. Time for some equal treatment, which is what's needed to get them to crawl back under their rocks.

@BTHT I hope they do have those snipers there and ready for the inauguration. And that if they do show up armed and seem ready to shoot others, then shoot them if appropriate. If these fucks want a war, then give them one and treat them as the enemies of the government that they are.

@BTHT We'll see. I'm not holding my breath...


Trump opened Pandora’s Box and the evil has expanded throughout the country. It will not be easily put back. Yesterday’s episode was not as deadly as the Oklahoma bombing which caused the Feds to come down hard on militias and moved them to the shadows. We will see if this and the new administration can accomplish the same thing, though the groups are far bigger and organized than they were back then.


This time use the airborne rangers

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