Why stock up on expensive vaccines that require tricky storage and are slow to produce in volume, when there are far cheaper alternatives that can be produced in quantity far more rapidly, can be stored in an ordinary picnic cool-box and cost something akin to a cheeseburger.
"StockUp"????? Have you not heard drump has been LYING about that, too, there's not enough to even give the second shot to many, meaning it is all wasted!
they say 2 weeks id best for second shot but anytime is gonna work too ....im hoping that is true
@whiskywoman there isn't any!!
The answer: TIME. To rush a vaccine through development in less than a year has to be simple to test for release (complex whole organisms are not; RNA is). Also, less than a year does not allow much of any stability testing, so firms go with the least stability risk: deeply frozen. I fully expect Pfizer to get away from frozen as soon as they have 4C stability data in hand.
Guess, American drug companies have gotten away with charging more than people can pay. Probably why socialized medicine is bashed so much as they give big bucks to the politicians they bribe/ contribute to.
Ummm,no vaccines have been charged for yet, nor will they be in the future,at least according to Pfizer.. Those knee-jerk reactions are Not helpful!
@AnneWimsey It was not about vaccines but American drug companies. Are you saying no one is paying for them. They are charging either the government or insurance, I am quite sure.
@gigihein Pfizer is Donating it all. They stated that as soon as they developed it.
Of course whoever is transporting & administering it is being paid, why would you think they are not, or shouldn't be?
@AnneWimsey As I said my original post was addressing the price difference our drug companies charge over those outside our country
I never said they shouldnt be paid, just was addressing article talking about price differences.
@gigihein ummmm, DONATING means free....?!
@AnneWimsey Here is an article I read..