NEWS FLASH, Hospital Leaks Medical Records for U.S. President.
A leak at an unnamed Hospital has recently revealed that the circumsion of a U.S. President, who will remain unnamed, took a total of 14 hours and 35 minutes and required a team of Surgeons who were experts in micro-surgery.
11.5 hours were spent using an electron microscope to locate the penis, 2 hours were spent prior to the surgery to locate suitable, miniature surgical instruments, 1 hour and 25 minutes trying to close the patients mouth, 30 seconds to perform the 'snip', 10 seconds to suture the very minute wound and the remaining time to locate the removed foreskin after it was misplaced among the the surgical instruments.
Report states that 'Patient 45" was sent to recovery and healed well after the Micro-surgery....LOL.
Wait, are you saying Marco Rubio was right? <<snickers>>
That may well explain why a certain, not to be named here, President has NEVER managed to get a "Hole in ONE"....LOL.
Not naming any names, of course....hahahahahaha.....