A couple of days ago, this tweet went fairly viral:
This is real. This is a real-life post by an anti-abortion activist. You can’t make this shit up. pic.twitter.com/wDjmU2ZHyh
— Hayley Farless (@hayleyfarless) February 3, 2020
The “anti-abortion activist” in question is Jamie Jeffries (a.k.a. the “pro-life wife&rdquo who was saying she talked a mom out of getting an abortion. Six months later, the child was taken away by the government, and the mother put Jeffries down as the “next preferred placement” — meaning if the mother wasn’t allowed to care for the baby because she’s undocumented (or something like that), then Jeffries was next on the list.
Jeffries said she’s too busy, that a child would “break” her, and that it would interfere with her marriage and health… which, of course, are reasons people have abortions in the first place. Instead of supporting the other woman’s decision, Jeffries persuaded her to do something that wasn’t in her best interest, adding further misery to their lives months later, and apparently refused to take any responsibility for what she did.
(Like most pro lifers, she only cares until the birth takes place, and then she stops caring runs away, furiously trying avoid any kind of personal responsibility)
Every one of those so called pro fetus are the same.
Personally, I divide the pro-life peopel into two camps. Those who think abortion is wrong for themselves, and those who try to push their beliefs onto others and try to make them to conform to those beliefs.
I'm pro life and I can't take in a baby. I live alone and must admit if I was forced to take in a baby that nobody wanted I would do all I could legally to get that baby a home. Adoption is possible and there are agencies.
I've written the above because people think less of a man not wanting a child but they really do put it on a woman because it is believed children are the reason women are here rather than having a career.
There is a difference between just believing that abortion is wrong, and going that extra mile to try to make others conform to your beliefs, and then totally abandoning them when they do. That kind of thing is not done out of caring, but out of self righteousness.
Jamie Jeffries needs to get a life of her own instead of shoving her shit down other people's throats.
Ah yes, the Self-righteous, Bigoted, Believers ALWAYS sticking their noses into the business of others and WHEN the going gets tough THEN they run away like rabbits at the sound/sight of it.
Chicken-shit, Lily-livered wind-bags that they ALL are, ALL just like a Barber's Cat, full of wind and piss and NOTHING else imo.
Should be called Pro-Brandead.
Got to have a BRAIN BEFORE being declared as Braindead imo.
Forced-birthers are fucking hypocrites.
I refuse to call them "pro-lifers", because they aren't.
They want to convince women not to terminate their pregnancies, but have ZERO concern for any child after it's born.
They're also known as conservative republicans.
Fuck them.
Fuck. Them. All.
The Truth, the Facts and ONLY Truth and Facts.
That sounds like Conservative Republicans to me. They are just pro birth.
@K9Kohle789 Well, they ARE hypocrites, so...