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LINK Dave Ramsey: If Stimulus Checks Help You, You Were “Pretty Much Screwed Already” | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

We already know that Dave Ramsey is not exactly a Christ-like figure when it comes to running his faith-based financial ministry. But an interview with FOX News only confirmed that fact, because he attempted to dismiss the need for people to receive stimulus checks during the pandemic or forgiveness on student loan debt:

snytiger6 9 Feb 12

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Many people really do need their stimulus check. That money will help some people a lot. It's only now that Trump is gone that you start hearing about balancing a budget. Take note of that fact. I admit I do not need the stimulus money but I will not turn my $1400 down and I won't try to send it back. I will be happy if they send me more. We want to keep this economy going and keep people buying things.


They were probably ALREADY screwed over by either him or other Preachers for every cent they had well before that imo.


And those people he does not want in his church.

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