As a foreign observer I have to say that none of this stuff about the Lincoln Project surprises me. In a comment here a while back, before this scandal, I said that those people behind this group were really traditional Republican grifters complaining about the Trump Right Populist grifters who took over and ousted the old grifting with theirs. These guys, i said, never complained before about the Republican Bush era wars, the huge tax cuts for the rich, the attack on liberties in the 'war on terror', the torture, the attack of immigrants, the placement of right wing terrible judges, huge deficit spending to support the rich and all the other Republican party wealth grifting. But when Trump came in, they were full of outrage about protecting democracy and freedom. Their only goal was to defeat Trump populism and return to the grifting they knew and loved. I'm glad they've been exposed. I never fell for their grift. A lot of people did, including around the world, thinking they were 'good' conservatives. No they aren't.
So there was one creepy guy among them. Ok, so they got rid of his ass.
You seem to go backwards in history to explain your view. Let's deal with the here and now. Steve Schmidt, Rick Wilson, and others did not like Donald Trump. They did not like him at all and they did not believe him. Libertarians bought into the GOP and created what we have today. This means Koch brothers, Mercers, DeVos, and others. The goal of the Lincoln Project is to expose all of this and they feel it is time to totally re-build the Republican Party. Currently Steve Schmidt has abandoned the GOP and identifies as a Democrat. I support them and still identify as a Progressive.
Your depiccction is inaccurate and designed simply to reflect your point of view.
@David1955 you remind me of those who trashed Bill Clinton, not for being a damned good President but because he got a BJ from a more-than-willing young woman, AS IF it was anybody's business but Hilary's.
I Still send them money, their results are/were stellar, and right on point!
I do not give a rat's ass about anything other than results, that's why they get my money!
I regularly scolded Democrats for paying them a lot more attention than they paid to Progressive Democrats, or even just Democrats, on the MSM shows. I warned them to not send money as they would use it for gop purposes (which led to their virus in our WH). Would they listen? No. In fact, they shook their head and told me to relax. LMAO. Democrats aren’t very good at politics.
And how exactly did the Project ''implode...burn...liberals?" They told the truth about the the hypocrisy, the lies, the emoluments.....etc.