Author Michael Brown, who claimed last month that the Capitol riot shouldn’t be blamed on Christians just because there were a bunch of Christians there, is very unhappy that Christianity has such a bad reputation.
In fact, addressing a popular worship tune that says “They will know us by our love,” he wonders, with tongue firmly in cheek, if it ought to be changed to “They will know us by our hate.”
It’s actually not that outlandish a suggestion. For a large segment of the American Christian population, that sentiment may well be true.
And it's not just the hate, it's the hypocrisy. Evangelicals gave solid support to Trump who never supported them, except for his Supreme Court appointments. Trump fomented hate like no other president ever did, and the Evangelicals remained 100% loyal. They repudiated their own values, and really showed that their claimed values never really meant anything to them.
As the world increasingly adopts ideas like human rights, and respect for human diversity, as the norm, where can the hateful people go ?
Science offers no support for hate, politics demands respect for majority opinion, philosophy for logic etc. But religion with increasingly no role in the global debate, is looking for support/money/credibility wherever it can find it, asks no questions, and can be manipulated to say anything you want.
Do you think its a given ?
Yes, those Christians hate people of other religions, those outside their own particular sect of Christianity, atheists, everybody who is not 100% heterosexual, and trans people.
I’m glad I disposed all of this shit decades ago. Some loved ones were disappointed, but that’s fine because we cannot please everyone. They’ve learned to accept it.
Now, WHY am I not surprised at this?
Given my personal experiences with ALL the Sects of Chrustianity, Catholics Hate and Detest anyone who is not a Catholic, Anglicans hate Catholics, Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, etc, etc, who also hate each other, i.e. Catholics, Anglicans and the like, Jehovah's Witness literally abhor anyone who is NOT one of them, Morons, sorry typo Mormons hate, despise and disparage EVERYONE who is not a Mormon and list goes on and on almost endlessly.
Then comes the final 'crunch' where they hate Atheists and Agnostics, etc, etc, as well.