As i read about Paula White, et al, "knowing Gawd's mind" and so on, it seems to me that she & her ilk know Nothing of the Babble, or must completely DISbelieve it, because in many areas, it speaks of false prophets & the special punishments that they will receive.
And do not say that they are megalomaniacs,or "just nuts"....even complete nutters construct a fairly coherent storyline..........follow the Money. Period.
Paula's a 'grift from God,' yet another in a long line of whacko Christ'er shysters who somehow attract a following. She's barking mad, or as I used to say in front of the kids, until they eventually figured it out, nucking futs!
Never read about Paula White. Any relation to Vanna White from wheel of fortune?
That looney evangelist who goes to heaven & talks to gawd.....drump's appointed Spiritual Advisor, (or whatever)
@AnneWimsey I don't know, I quit watching looney tunes a long time ago.