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Just observing human perception throughout history and it occurred to me why are the ideas of what humans thought of an imaginary friend in what is considered a god and the same question arises and that is why are the perceptions of a god all ( mostly)humanoid( aside from even Ra having the head of the eagle and body of a human ) is this indicative of fiction ( aside from zero evidence for each one ever existing to begin with ) Odin humanoid,the Christian god humanoid,Hindu with shiva humanoid all humanoid in this indicative of our limited perception of reality?

AJimboShep82 7 Feb 25

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No. It is an indication of two things. First, primitive people could not deal with their sense of ignorance and powerlessness. So, they took all of images of the best attributes of man or of all creatures and attributed to a god. Then, in worshiping that or those gods, they could imagine that they were attuned with that power and knowledge.

Second, in creating those visual images of a god or gods, they showed that they simply had no idea what a god should look like.

Even from an evolutionary standard their brains were still developing to understand the world around us though In today’s age we know better just from the observation of scientific data.


Millenia ago when human minds were much more 'primitive,' so to speak, they may have imagined that things that occur naturally, such as Thunder, Lightning, Earthquakes and the like MUST be the result of something Immensely Powerful, etc, etc, that controlled all things, hence they may well have developed the God/s/Goddesses to compensate for their lack of understanding things so natural.
It may well be worth mention here that OF the Divine Entities dreamed up by Humans ONLY those from Ancient Egypt were NOT classed as God/Goddesses but as being Elemental Forces and represented ONLY as hybrid human-animal figures.
The classification of these Ancient Egyptian Elementals came about when Champollion was de-cyphering the Rosetta Stone and the Vatican ORDER him, on pain of Excommunication, to definite the Elementals as Gods, etc, so as NOT to undo/destroy the Ideologies upon which the Christian God was based as being a Humanoid Being and a Supreme, Omnipotent, etc, etc, Divine Entity and the One and Only True God.


It all seems to be in the eye of the beholder and their imagination.


IDK? Casper the Friendly Ghost used to be my imaginary friend but that was many years ago.

But humanoid in appearance nonetheless...coincidence?

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