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skado 9 Feb 27

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I enjoy being reachable, and I enjoy being to contact anyone anywhere any tine. I don't answer most calls anyway. I love being able to look at bills, answer questions, listen to music, drive directly to somewhere I've never been, argue politics, answer phone calls while driving and even know who's calling.

And even use like I'm doing right now.


So far no need for a smart phone. I do have a fliptop cell for emergencies, that would be my emergencies so it is off unless I need to use it. I do carry it when I'm out riding my bicycle.


I had to carry a crappy phone when I had a shitty job, now I have a screwed up retirement and I really don't want to talk about it. (sorry, angry)


Nope too many other uses

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 27, 2021

That fool might be me. Because I refuse to pay monthly charges for a smart phone, the world continually expects me to use a smart phone. I'm in a prison of my own making, the world contends, yet I don't agree. Stubborn fool.

The great thing about being landline only, is that people can only bother me when I am at home or in the office. The rest of the time I am free.

Add me too the list of foneless fools. I do have a flip open cell phone for emergencies - that would be MY emergencies. I take with me when I am riding my bicycle. I don't take it shopping but now some places you have to call when you arrive for an appointment so I do sometimes have it with me.

I have an emergency flip phone too.
For a road emergency or whatever.

Walmart sells phones with no contracts or fees that do 99% of what my brothers $1200 phone does, looks the same, you just buy minutes as you need them. I would NEVER pay that kind of price, nor sign a contract! And No dead spots as the WM phones work off whatever tower is nearest. I have used a TracPhone for Years...and the best part if you crack the screen or lose it, go get another, one phonecall transfers your # & minutes.last one i got will even operate my printer...if the screen was a bit bigger I would make it my Only device...I paid the "big bucks", $75, for it, and got Unlimited texts & calls for a year for $100.

That is a very good deal.
Thanks for describing everything it offers.

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