It’s always entertaining to hear fundamentalist Christians give sex advice because you have to assume they have little to no knowledge about the topic — at least in the way so many people experience it. But for the same reason, it’s also infuriating to hear fundamentalists talk about LGBTQ people because they’re so confident in their ignorance.
You may have heard that a recent Gallup poll found a rather sharp increase in the percentage of Americans who identify as LGBTQ. It’s now 5.6% compared to 3.5% in 2012, and the majority of that group (55%)
identifies as bisexual.
It’s not hard to guess why these numbers are on the rise. As the stigma against being LGBTQ drops, more people are willing to be open about that aspect of their identity. It’s not that they’re “becoming” gay or trans; it’s that they’re more comfortable being open about it.
(The above statistics are pretty new to me. I was taught in college that 8.6% were gay, but the number was considered to be low, because that was only the number of peopel who would confidentially admit to being gay. So the actual number was estimated to be aroudn 10%. Hoever, we were also taught that sexually is also a continuum, where most persons were bisexual in the middle of the continuum.)
IMO, and we have seen it time & time again,those who spend their time thinking about what others do in bed are denying deep desires