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LINK Research Suggests Proper Fit of COVID Face Masks Is More Important Than Material

"A team of researchers . . . from the University of Cambridge, carried out a series of different fit tests, and found that when a high-performance mask — such as an N95, KN95 or FFP2 mask — is not properly fitted, it performs no better than a cloth mask . . . We know that unless there is a good seal between the mask and the wearer’s face, many aerosols and droplets will leak through the top and sides of the mask . . . ."

**Which fit issues have you experienced with masks you've used?
( I found that KN95 masks fit my face well. )

AnonySchmoose 8 Feb 28

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I wear a mask in public.
Mainly for respect of people's differences.

Plus for fines, panic and they run in terror.


IN the UK we have a good mask take up, but we do seem to be plagued by people who seem to think that a visor is a substitute, which of course is nothing but a load of gaps decorated with a bit of plastic.

That's rather comparable to jeans 'decorated' with shredded holes and worn in cold weather.


I find that pinching the little tab inside closely around the top of my nose also cuts "glasses fogging" by almost 100% except on the most humid days

That worked for me as well.
Before that my glasses always fogged up.

Glasses fogging would be a good sign that it is not working well.

Another volunteer at our covid testing site recommended using a bandaid to anchor the mask to the bridge of the nose. I haven't tried it because I forget to carry bandaids. I think medical tape might work really well too.

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