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How Many People Did God Kill in the Bible?

nogod4me 8 Mar 2

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i heard that the God of the bible is actually Satan

i should add that its from a credible source and not fox news ok


I don't know, and I don't care! Pure fairytale horse shit!

I thought it might be a good resource for those who have to deal with believers.


Not enough apparently!!!


A very entertaining video, best watched in 20 minute episodes.
I think every person who faithfully accepts the bible as the literal word of god should be made to watch it.


All of them, according to the stories you don't live or die if it's not what God wants, and all Bible characters are dead, so God killed every single one of them.


Nice sword.

Also- either A) none, because it's all made up, or B) a crapton, what with the flooding the world, ordering massacres, blasting cities and whatall. So, take your pick?

They, of course, are talking about the god character in the story book that believers believe to be real and believe to be "good."

@nogod4me Enjoyed the pic, skipped the video.

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