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LINK Texas Republican Files Bill to Punish Abortion with the Death Penalty | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

In news that highlights the hypocrisy that is the entire “pro-life” movement, a Texas lawmaker has filed a bill that could punish abortion with — you guessed it — execution.

snytiger6 9 Mar 11

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There are religious extremist in every state unfortunately.


Why am I not surprised, it's Texas after all!!


If that is so, then the man who got that woman pregnant should also be put to death.


Everything is bigger in Texass including the assholes.


@CuddyCruiser My point has been proved. The expression "Don't mess with Texass" simply means they don't need any help as they can mess things up themselves.

The biggest assholes are the liberal left wing idiots on the west coast and in New York!

@Trajan61 And that's why our section of the country is richer and more successful than the central states. That's why Washington has been rated (again) as the no. state to live in. [] Go ahead and bring in all the 'libtard' comments. I always consider the source.


You know some Texans like the electric chair.

They ought to be put in it.

Nothing wrong with using the electric chair on hardened criminals!


Only could happen in a place like Texarse, in my opinion, could such a Travesty of Humanity and Justice occur.
If that be the case then my heartiest recommendation to the Women of Texarse is to Immediately place and Sanction an Embargo ALL Acts of Sexual Intercourse, Cooking, Cleaning, Changing Baby Diapers, etc, etc, and do so with extremest of prejudices as well PERMANENTLY or UNTIL this Bill is rejected and REFUSED to be presented EVER again.
Keep YOUR Rosaries OUT OF her Ovaries, Keep YOUR Biblical Tome out of HER Womb and Keep YOUR Religion OUT OF her Nether Region as well.


Of course this is happening in Texass!

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