As the Biden administration sets out to restore a government that can regulate business to level the playing field in the United States between workers and employers, address inequality, and combat climate change, Republicans are turning to the courts to stop him.
Republican attorneys general have already launched a number of lawsuits challenging various of the new administration’s policies. Twenty-one states are suing Biden for revoking the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline to cross the border from Canada. They claim such authority belongs to Congress because it has the authority to regulate interstate and foreign commerce. Biden cancelled the permit because he said it was not in the national interest, and legal experts say he is on solid ground.
Twelve states are suing the president over his executive order to address climate change because they say that Biden has no authority to regulate “’social costs’ of greenhouse gases.” Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, who is considering running for the Senate and who is leading the lawsuits, says such regulations will be expensive and ordinary Americans will bear the higher costs on everyday products. Missouri legislators are talking about blocking any of Biden’s executive orders with which they disagree.
Eleven states are challenging Biden’s immigration policy: they want to reinstate the rule that requires applicants for citizenship to prove they are financially secure before they are allowed to become citizens.
And twenty-two Republican states are suing to challenge the provision of the American Rescue Plan that says states cannot use the federal money, which is intended to stimulate the economy, to cut taxes. Democrats added this provision deliberately to prevent Republican legislatures from using the money to cut taxes rather than as it was intended. States have the option to turn down the funds, but if they take the money, they must use it as Congress intended: to fund public programs.
Funny, we have now gotten to turn around with the Republicans suing the Democrats for the same old crap they pulled. The cons. seem to think if they set a precedent it is applicable to them only.
One good thing is that here the state has a strong Democrat majority. We got so sick of the republican stupidity (even some former inactive republicans hated what their party had become) that we pushed a capital gains tax on the wealthy. Now, the republicans are saying this amounts to an income tax which it does not. It is headed to the house for final approval and the governor said he would sign. []
Also, to me the part about proving financially security should be rule one. Most developed countries have this and my brother-in-law had to 'invest' some $130,000 to be even considered for PR (permanent residence) in Canada. Still, it took them 7 years to be allowed in. Problem is, when a country actively imports large numbers of poor people they have no right to complain about the loss of the middle class.
Here's the deal......TAX money runs the government, state, local & federal). It's 100% OUR money, always has been. The average person does Not need a new bomber or tank. We already own 6x (!!!) more armaments than the rest of the world Combined. What we need is safe infrastructure, safe air/food/water, good healthcare, good schools, safe neighborhoods, job opportunities, & a chance to better oneself....that is where OUR money should be spent!
I love this letter and at the same time it scares the bejeebus outta me. Right now we have the worst income inequality since the 1920s and earlier. The only way things could get worse is if all the social safety nets were gone, which if the Movement Conservatives branch of the gop have their way is exactly what will happen.
What makes it doubly scary is the little people in America that support the gop that brought us reagan, the bushes, trump and all the members in both houses have no fucking clue how much less they will have if the social safety nets are completely gone. The few I actually talk to in my little part of the world literally do not understand what the gop is planning. For sure they want their Social Security, they paid for that and they are currently checking their bank accounts daily to see if their $1,400 has been deposited but everything else is socialism.
I think the main reason the poorer and low middle class whites in America are so gullible goes to the whole idea not of race but caste. It is the idea that they as white people are just inherently better than non-whites. Due to a lack of education or just lousy education politicians have successfully used the ideology of a caste system against them by actually getting them to vote against their own best interest.