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LINK My boss offered me money to film a sex tape with two coworkers — Ask a Manager

I read AskAManager every day, and have read it for about 6 years. Today made my jaw drop!

A reader writes:

So…I’ll just come out and say that I know this it totally inappropriate, to say the least, and I need to find a new job ASAP. What I’m looking for is advice on how to cope with this in the meantime, and how to salvage my career moving forward.

I’ve worked for a small trucking company owned a very, very wealthy man for the past two years. This company is more of a hobby than a -making venture for him. He throws his around like you wouldn’t believe and makes no secret of how wealthy he is. There are frequent Patron-fueled lunches where he brings in bottle after bottle after bottle of Patron and encourages all of us to drink heavily, and he makes fun of people who don’t join in. He’s done a lot of weird, inappropriate stuff during those lunches (and at other times … it’s a really, really weird environment and my wife is routinely horrified the stories I bring home), but this was far the worst.

Click the link for the rest of the story.

HippieChick58 9 Mar 23

Enjoy being online again!

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Complain to the EEO.


I hope he finds a new job soon. Poor old rich man obviously isn't getting his needs met.

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