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What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in life?

kensmile4u 8 Apr 15

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Slow up in making decisions....THINK....try and evaluate the future consequences of a decision.

Think twice before you decide once is the way I've heard this...


That I have no control over anything other than my own actions.


Never get in to an arse kicking contest with a porcupine.



Just because it's cute doesn't mean you should pick it up.

haha I've seen this happen a few times.


Simply this: The greatest gift of all is the gift of knowing when to shut up.

never learned that one. see? 😛

These are wise words...


You cannot control the actions of others, only your own.


This is the only life you will ever have. You can live it one of two ways. The way you want to live it or the way someone else wants you to live it. The choice is entirely yours. Live it the way YOU want to live it and do/cause no harm.

Whilst I agree with you, Bashar al-Assad is a living refutation to that ethos. And he has a medical background. Some people are just natural assholes.

@Palindromeman My last statement was "and do/cause no harm." There will always be those that cause tremendous harm.

@jlynn37 Agreed. But that asshole took an oath, which turns out to be three fifths of nothing. And because Russia wants a Med port, Putin will back him regardless. It may well be that the purpose of some people's lives it to be a lesson about what not to do.

@Palindromeman Oaths mean squat to almost everyone, especially politicians.

@jlynn37 Sigh. I know. But he was doctor before he became a politician. And now he's just a fucking monster.

@Palindromeman So was DR. Herman Cain. So being a DR. means squat also. Although it should.

@jlynn37 Wehner Von Braun was a scientist, so there's that:


Let it go! Don’t hold grudges, life is short.

easier said after i smoke a bowl! 😛


"The only difference between Genius and Stupidity is, that Genius has its limits.."

Like this...



Don't eat the yellow snow

I think I learned that from a Frank Zappa song! Lol


When someone shows you who they are, believe it.

I live by these words!


Look up. It's amazing what you miss if you don't just look up.

I would add one caveat to that, Look up except when you are under a flock of birds. Otherwise you might end up with a shitty outlook on life. Lol

@kensmile4u Ha ha! But you get my drift, right? People hustle and bustle through the city in which they live and hardly ever look up at the old architecture around them.


Don't jump into a relationship within 2 weeks.

Perhaps jump into bed but not a relationship. Wink, Smile.

a live-in relationship.

IMO That's just reckless.


Trust your "instincts".


To bbe yourself and don't try to emulate others.

I live by these words.


Don't go for drinks with Bill Cosby.



You are responsible for your own happiness. No person, place or things will give you happiness. It's within you.

I agree with you.I live by these words.


To question everything

That's my advice to my students.

great advice mate

So true!


If anything can go wrong with your money, it will.


Recently in the last year- People are liars, they're fake, they don't care about you, they use you, most people are rude even when you're nice to them, assholes have an easier life and more friends than nice people, no one cares about anyone other than themselves, I'm happier being single, and don't take things personally.

I hope you know that although, I agree, most* people are fake, not all of them are. There are good people out there, but they definitely do seem rare. Assholes definitely do not have an easier life as I am a self proclaimed asshole (thunder cunt) and my life is no where near easy nor do i have many friends.and yes, i do believe that humans are naturally selfish, some more than others.

I just saw you using a lot of blanket terms there and I just wanted you to know that not everyone is a douche... although when we are upset about things it can be easy to paint the world as such...

your comment reminded me of one of my favorite game of thrones quotes...

@M3G4N666 This week I've had to block 2 atheists from disrespectul messages. One today. One didn't stop blowing my messenger up after I told him to leave me alone. A lot of men on here won't stop messaging me bad things. I don't want the messaging on here.

@MustardSeed They message me. I never message anyone first. The guy today went on a political rant and called me a biker bitch and unattractive! Earlier this week Astromax or whatever blew my messenger up in 5 minutes! I said, "Leave me alone." He kept typing. I love the block button.

You're completely right, but you know you are an exception, so all you need to do is find another one.
I am sure you will, probably when you least expect it.

@Sarahroo29 That sucks. I hope you stop getting fucked up messages. I just joined this website today so I haven't experienced anything like that yet. There is always shitty people no matter what label they identify as. Sometimes it's really hard to have faith in humanity... but I promise we aren't all bad.

@Sarahroo29 Did you complain to admin about the bad messages?

@kensmile4u I do when they get completely out of line.

@LenHazell53 Find another what?

@Sarahroo29 another person who thinks and acts with the same values as yourself

@LenHazell53 Why do I need to find another one?

@LenHazell53 This is all from experience with these types of people.

@Sarahroo29 I meant a person of a compatible nature who won't mess you about and can become a true friend, sorry if I was not clear 😉

@LenHazell53 Perhaps in college.


Never stop asking questions.

That's the most popular answer to this post!


Family can screw you over worse than any stranger can.

So True!

yes, love is a double edged sword.


Be true to yourself.

Good words!


Do not be concerned with what you cannot personally control or influence. And live in the moment.

This one is hard for me. Kind of an occupational hazard...


Doubt ! Doubt everything.


So true!


It is tattooed across my back:

Sá sem lifir án aga, deyr án heiðurs -
he who lives without discipline
dies without honor.

that's a great quote but unfortunately i struggle with self discipline and don't care about honor.

@M3G4N666 It is a viking saying. My father told it to me and I accepted it. Whe you are a T1diabetic, discipline is your life.

Discipline is boring, honor is subjective, so l will continue to make it up as l go along. 🙂

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