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LINK Lucille Bogan Till the cows come home - YouTube

Dirty songs from days gone by. I had to check if I was hearing what I was hearing. Must have shocked people 90 years ago because it shocks me now. What a mouth on her.! Lucille Bogan 1931

barjoe 9 Mar 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I love these old dirty songs


The censorship of the 30's & onwards sucked a lot of the juice out of popular culture!

They must've missed this one. Her name was Bessie Johnson and she was one of the great blues artists.. She sang the classic blues as Bessie, but her "blue material" dirty songs were released as Lucille Bogan.


Almost as dirty as WAP, nice!

Tejas Level 8 Mar 25, 2021

Definitely Lucille Bogan makes Cardi B sound demure.

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