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What are you willing to trade-off to avoid a hated chore?

"Instead of getting manicures, I'm paying someone to mow the lawn and pull the weeds twice a month," my girl Claire, 31, said yesterday.

"I HATE mowing the lawn! My next-door-neighbor make perfect straight lines with the mower. My lines look all squiggly and sloppy."

I laughed.Today I made Claire a home nail care kit. She will get it tomorrow.

LiterateHiker 9 Mar 26

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You are a very caring partner. It's wonderful when a man thinks about how to please his girlfriend. By the way, this manicure set looks lovely. I'd like one too.


Such a thoughtful loving Mother


My son mows the lawn...until the tractor gets repaired next month...then he can do the edging and trim😂as "The Old Poop" in "On Golden Pond" put it..."What good is having a dwarf if you you can't work them"?


I trade going out (or ordering in these days) to eat for a month to pay the accountant to do my taxes. I'm in front of a computer all week so I enjoy my yard, automotive and other chores. Feels like I'm actually working.


Still renting, debating whether to buy a condo or a home in a year. :/ I love doing gardens but I have the feeling my knees are paying a price from doing knee slammers as a cheerleader. Others that were on the squad with me have had to get replacement surgery already.....not sure in ten years time at seventy if I will have avoided it or not. Maybe pots on a patio could be more my thing....


I don't do lawns either. I live ina rental, and were I to buy a place, it wouldn't have a yard.


"My lines look all squiggly and sloppy."
So what?!


That's a very sweet Mom treat. I'm sure she'll appreciate it a lot.


Thank you, dear!


I do my Lawn. My wife pays me nothing 😟


Intelligent and creative, too!

I pay a neighbor to do my lawn.

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