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LINK Facts are back, and so is the EPA's climate change website | Grist

The Environmental Protection Agency’s webpage about climate change reawakened from a four-year slumber on Thursday morning. Turn to the page now and you’ll see: “EPA is restoring the science in addressing the climate crisis.”

In April 2017, the Trump administration took down the agency’s extensive trove of resources on climate change, saying the site was removing “outdated language” to “reflect the EPA’s priorities” under its new leadership. That leader was Scott Pruitt, President Trump’s first EPA chief, whose tenure was ridden with scandals over his ritzy spending habits and coziness with industry lobbyists.

snytiger6 9 Mar 30

Enjoy being online again!

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This is Huge for this generation & all those to come!


Finally, we have people in office that give a fuck.

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