Because Christian conservatives don't believe in takign responsibility for their own actions, they blame what they do on Satan
Jebus was also watching.
So was Santa Claus
LOL, Jeebus Chrust can ONLY watch these days since he is as impotent as his Daddy.
@Triphid He only cums once a year!! LOL
@CuddyCruiser Nah, that's Santa Claus.
Jeebus Chrust only came the once according to Christfools and hasn't cum again since....LOL
Freakin' ridiculous.
As we all know, satan is just as imaginary as any god.
Just take responsibility for your own actions for fuck's sake!
Bloody religutards.
What's amazing is the amount of effort they have to put into their reasons for their "indiscretions" is so much easier to just tell the truth than it is to make up some BS LIE that is about as believable as the Easter Bunny shitting candy coated Easter eggs...smfh. On a lighter note Falwell is, has always been and will always be a FUCKING ASSHOLE......and the sideshow continues...