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LINK TST has created a secular answer to AA with "Sober Faction"

Meetings without religious dogma sounds helpful for those of us dealing with addiction

The Seven Rituals (instead of 12 steps)
1 In our suffering, we had a moment of clarity. We realized that we had lost ourselves and recognized addiction as our adversary.

2 We decided our will and authority over ourselves would be reborn through adopting a new way of life.

3 We made a commitment to take responsibility for our own actions in the past, present, and future, focusing only on what we could control.

4 We acknowledged behaviors and patterns of thinking that we found to be unacceptable or unhealthy.

5 Upon acknowledging these facets of ourselves, we began the practice of continual introspection and mindfulness.

6 We continuously strive towards self-actualization, seeking knowledge on our path to act & respond ethically & responsibly in all things.

7 After following this path, we recognized our own self-growth and sought to point the way to those who are suffering. Heal Thyself, Hail Thyself.

OldMetalHead 9 Apr 26

Enjoy being online again!

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There are many approaches to coping with alcohol addiction, but they are all individual and when some of them help one, it may be useless for the other. Since I am a sociable person, and I am interested in conversations with other people, for me, plan B is communication, I can talk 24 to 7 and not get tired of it. It seems to me that communication and support just distract and calm down from my addiction. But during the coronavirus there were problems with this, and therefore I decided to enroll in an online sober community. Where I could already communicate remotely with people who have similar problems, and just with ordinary people. If you want, you can take and try my way.


Glad to see this. It always bothered me that the most touted treatment for addiction involved belief in a higher power. As if rational humanists never have addiction issues. This is a good thing. I approve!


The Sinclair Method is a medical treatment that looks at the brain chemistry behind addictions and treats that. [] It is only for alcohol addiction but I know one person who is on it and has not had a binge drinking session since she started. (for her binge drinking could start with a glass of wine and end up with her entire alcohol cabinet empty and her heading off to the store for more)


Years ago, I recall seeing a report about an alternate 12 step program called Rational Recovery (if I remeber correctly). They apparently followed the same basic process as a 12 step program but without the religious underpinnings. Is this program related at all?


I like the concept, but the Satan stuff needs to go away. It is almost as silly and religion as it is a religion.

The Pentagram/Goats Head, as we recognize it, was invented in the 1800's and is not what christ addicts claim.

I just watched a documentary on weed on PRIME and it was very interesting. Actually I watched a few. Religions are based on "The Ancients" getting really high/tripping and just thinking real hard.

And weed was a biggie, although ancient northern Euro's seemed to prefer shrooms.

So our present belief systems are based on a bunch of stoners from pre Judean Times. on all continents, except Antarctica.


@OldMetalHead While pissing off xtians is always good, in theory, it simply antagonizes them more. But they are relentless like a tsunami of stupidity that will never abate, so Talley-Ho I guess. Still, I try to save it for when it is best used. (to me)


Excellent! Hail Satan! I'd rather stay drunk than rely on AA and their religious crap. I'd rather be a heroin addict than join Narcanon and be a Scientologist.


That is the kind of non-ideological can-do-it messages that we need!


Another good program that relies on choice and no higher power is SMART.



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