Friendly Atheist news article
As most pedophiles were themselves victims, one has to ask WHY this man has this perversion. Since he does, he needs to be separated from society permanently, because, apparently, it is not a perversion from which one can recover.
BULLSHIT to the max.
Psychologically speaking MOST Paedophiles were NOT previous victims of Paedophilia.
@Triphid I have always been under the impression that my statement was correct. It is true, but only slightly: βThe analysis of self-reports confirmed that the proportion of pedophiles who report having been sexually abused in childhood by mature persons is larger than that of men who were not charged for or accused of a sex offense against a child though the difference is relatively small (28.6 vs. 13.9 and 10.7% for the heterosexual pedophiles and the two groups of gynephiles, respectively, and 25.9 vs. 11.8% for the homosexual pedophiles and androphiles, respectively).β
@MsKathleen AND exactly how and by what means did they arrive at those stats may I ask?
Did they MERELY use the convicted Paedophiles as their source perhaps?
Did they merely go through Court Cases where Paedophilia, etc, were being heard etc?
I doubt, most sincerely, that ACTUALLY compiled their statistics by ASKING the Victims and Survivors.
"My Client was Abused/Sexually Assaulted as child You Honour, he knows no better Your Honour, he CANNOT be held accountable for the crime for which he is being tried here.........."
How many times do we have to hear that drivel uttered as the ATTEMPT to play the eternal "Get off Gaol" Free card for Scum-bag Paedophiles, Rapists, etc, etc, ?
Hope he ends up with a cellmate who detests pedophiles.
It is my understanding that the general prison population DOES, and treats them as such. Can we condone that kind of behavior?
@MsKathleen Condoning that kind of behavior is pretty irrelevant. It happens whether any of us condone it or not.
I recognize the reality of it.
I'm okay with guys like Josh Duggar getting what they get.
He shouldn't have behaved in such a manner to get himself sent to prison.
Whatever consequences he faces are on him.
@MsKathleen Nice sentiment, but not realistic.
Humans have been violent since before we walked upright. Especially within the prison system.
I have no expectation that will ever change.
@MsKathleen Sure haven't. No matter how many opportunities to do so we're given.
Typical Xian sexually repressed Scumbag
If I didn't know better I'd think you were making excuses for him.
@Triphid Can we condone violence of any kind? How can we improve our society by perpetuating violence? Yes, I agree that this person DESERVES serious punishment, but what do we accomplish when our example is violence? Perhaps removing them from society, making them live in solitary confinement, for the balance of their lives serves societyβs needs...which is really to protect the rest of society from such people? I say, permanent solitary confinement, with no tv, radio, computer or anything that might connect them to anyone, only their very basic needs of food, water and shelter, would be serious punishment...and perhaps a deterrent to others.
@MsKathleen And would not he continue to remember and find his pleasures (sexual of course) from those memories whilst in solitary?
Also NO court in the Western world has yet to sentence a Paedophile to the Term of His/Her Natural Life in prison, they are weak-kneed, simpering suck-ups to the Snowflakes who operate these Prisoners Rights Movements.
In my opinion, WHEN a person commits a Crime, not just any crime btw, but one severe enough to WARRANT a Prison Sentence and Term then they, imo, FORFEIT their Human Rights, the Rights in Society BECAUSE, they have knowing committed a crime, broken the Laws governing the Society in which they live and have DENIED their victim/s their Rights as well.
As a SURVIVOR I say KNACKERIZE them and make them a PUBLIC Spectacle and PERMANENT symbol/Deterrent of the Penalty for Child Abuse, Child Rape, etc, etc.
@MsKathleen So, and I may well be getting the wrong end of stick here, these Filthy, Low-Life, Scum-bag Predator Paedophiles deserve to be confined in a solitary confinement cell in prison, get 3 good meals per day, 7 days per week, medical care, clean clothing and bedding, etc, etc, WHILE their PREY, the VICTIMS BTW, get to spend the REST of THEIR lives in sheer MENTAL torment?
It seems to me that the Perpetrators are getting the very BEST end of the deal here while their PREY are getting screwed with the dirty end of every stick available, IS THAT FAIR JUSTICE in YOUR EYES?
I'm surprised there wasn't a reality TV show developed for this called "Josh Duggar's Dick" where they follow Josh Duggar around 24/7 chronicling his endless quest to satisfy his perversions.