Friendly Atheist article
Christopher Hitchens’ short documentary:
Mother Teresa: Hell’s Angel
I’d forgotten about you he Keatting conn cation. I’m originally from his home town and many friends lost their life’s savings to his greed
I Wish I had read this 2 years ago before my friend who went to India and worked with her for 6 months was still alive. I do know that my friend was very pro choice but also dedicated to caring for those that live,. Since she was not a nun she was quite possibly treated differently. I am almost positive that she had no qualms about holding and comforting the babies.
I used to think she was doing good things for poor people. Then I heard Hitchens talk about her and I felt scandalized. I thought he must be mistaken. After doing further research and seeing the facts and not the hype by her devotees, I came to realize the truth. She was just another huckster selling a lie.
But try to tell that to anyone who holds her up as an example of goodness/holiness.
They don’t want their delusion shattered.
Hawkins or... Hitchens?
@Mvtt Egg on my face!! Thx for catching that error. I did mean Hutchins not Hawkins
@HelenRoseBuck I’ve posted Hitch’s documentary about her above
@Mvtt thx
People are just now discovering that!? Even while she was alive most rational people figured that out. Christopher Hitchens book ," Missionary Position" was all about her misdealing's..
As a teenager I used to believe, like many, that she was helping people, then I read an article by a woman who had trained as a nurse and wanted to go and work with the sadist and was looking at becoming a nun. She was devastated by what she saw and how the sadist believed that the women should be treated. Made me feel ill, have spoken out against the sadist ever since.
Teresa was an evil, money whore for the church. She raised millions while providing just enough food and NO pain medication for those who came to die in her death houses. She took 3 million dollars from Baby Doc, the ruthless dictator of Haiti, in exchange for a photo op and a blessing that Baby Doc and his wife were good catholics.
As @xenoview comments, she was already part of the Cult of Papacy.
That doesn't surprise me at all. Personally, that woman was evil.
Beyond evil.
@Beowulfsfriend Sad part about it is that my father idolized her. He was Catholic, so he probably didn't know any better.