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With all the progress in science to explain our universe why do you think people continue to cling to the belief in gods?

Ladygardner812 4 Apr 17

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They want to be part of the crowd, a group. This makes them feel whole somehow. Then their are the ones who do not desire to be part of the many variations to beliefs... However one may ask too what their definition of what they believe as God and youy may find their concept of God may be more like that of the "Force" May the the force be with you. Science is proving we are all connected and we are one, and its all vibrations...imagination desire and love is the heart of a human being


It's very hard to depgrogram idiiots. They get stuck on stupid, and it's like a drunken Irish Setter eating a baby's face.


People don't like to take the hard route most of the time.


They are in a FOG (Fear, Obligation & Guilt) it can be paralyzing.


It's easier NOT to take responsiblity for yourself OR your actions. Also, it lets you off the hook in terms of having to fix it. "I'll be perfect when I go to heaven!" is something I've heard many times about why a human will not working on their personal issues.

@Ladygardner812 Damn! brainwashing complete!


People cling to a belief in many Gods because it is comforting in times of hardship. Also some people need rules and threats to live by so they won’t go out and steal, murder and rape.


Information is easily ignored. When in college I am amazed at how I have to often teach simple history to classmates. Ignorance is bliss, ignorance is easy, ignorance feels safe, ignorance can be less embarassing.


They don’t want to face mortality. Plus some desire to be the holder of greater truths


Because they are generations of believers and just can't except there life has been a lie.

Social norms and values drive what is known as 'common sense' the perceived wisdom of the masses. Often when confronted, I find Christians reply, "if god did not make everything, then WHO did"? Wrong question of course.

my answer is a generalised answer @Ladygardner812 but its great you sore it like that but there are many I am sure who will never change.


Science doesn't give them a sense of purpose or belonging. Religion does.


Fear. In "The Selfish Gene" Dawkins talks about memes, thought as virus and how this memes innoculate carriers. Religion talks a lot about hell and death, it forms community and threatens social sanctioning if you leave, it digs into out most primal and I born fear. It's hard to face lost ng everything, a promise of eternal life, lack of pain, sense of group beloning, protective, permanent parent and ability to always remain a child.


It's deeply ingrained in their psyche.


Because believing in science means you have to accept responsibility for the choices and decisions you make - even the ones that turn out to be less than stellar.....on the other hand, if you can say everything is "God's will" then it absolves you of any personal responsibility and I hate to say it - but there are a LOT of people out there that are just perfectly fine with that concept.


Feelings and emotions. It's a part of them they feel like losing it would delete a part of themselves. They are always moving the goal posts to continue believing the absurd.


If they commit to science then that would mean everything they were taught growing up was a lie. Even when I try to be devil's advocate and say their is a God. His creations (us) use our brains to figure out the things that we can. Instead of praying and having the faith. No matter how much evidence shows them that actions and planning works out. Better than having the faith. It bothers me that they can't see what's right in front of them.


Wanting to be part of the dominant paradigm.

BillF Level 7 Apr 17, 2018

The Media helps brainwash people.


Perhaps because they are stupid ? ..?


Fear and stupidity.

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