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BOSS LEVEL (On Hulu) This was fun. GoT meets Groundhog Day? A Matrixy sci time loop movie. I think most movies are more or less forgettable crap. This one I liked. I hear there are other time loop movies out now? Anyone seen any of them?

Druvius 8 May 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Don't have Hulu but I could steal it. I like science fiction but I think I would root for Mel Gibson to stay dead.


I do not participate in either Woody Allen or Mel Gibson works of any kind. I vote with my feet, towards the exit. POS, both of 'em

At least Woody Allen makes good movies. So he married his step-daughter! Nobody's perfect.

@barjoe underage at the time of "falling in love" & lying like a rug to his supposed partner in life....

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