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That always made me crazy. Has anyone ever tried to talk a religious visitor out of their religion and into agnosticism?

UrsiMajor 8 May 29

Enjoy being online again!

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There has to be an opening for proselytizing to take hold. Mormons teach these young men to look for these openings. Situations include difficulties in one's life - difficulty in a relationship, loss from all sorts of situations, etc. One guy I knew who returned from his mission said he had more converts from teaching them how to make carmal apples. It was something relaxing allowing his prospects to let their guard down.

If pursuing such conversations is something one intends to do then a good strategy is to turn that concept on the Missionary first. Then they are always on the defensive because you know more about them than they you.


I grew up in the JW cult, so do I try to engage with them? Generally not because I know how deep the programming goes with them but if I sense a bit of doubt then I am in like a dirty shirt.


Ah yes, the Moron ( typo Mormon) Missionaries, genital herpes on bicycles because once they've got your number you have a hellova time getting rid of them.

I had to threaten arrest for trespassing to get them to stop knocking.

Did you try opening the door naked?

@UrsiMajor Tried that, accidently, with the JeHo's once, worked like a treat when they were holding the screen door open, I was holding the towel with my right hand behind my back and suddenly a gust of wind grabbed the heavy wooden door behind me, I'll leave the rest of it up to your imagination, but those women sure knew how to run fast.


I'm always so torn!

On the one hand, if I invite them into my home, they become my invited guests, and it would be rude for me to deprogram them.

On the other hand...they started that game.

For a second, I thought you were going to say if you invite them into your house, garlic , crosses, and holy water don't work if they are vampires. Could be a good excuse if needed.

@UrsiMajor LOL! I didn't even think of that but now, reading over that sentence, it does look like that's where I was headed!


Saturday morning funnies for me. I'm aware of the animus toward them and how facing it's a badge of honor for them, so I hang out with them on the front porch and shoot the shit. They've got just much a chance of converting me as I do of them, so I just enjoy a bit of playful bit of antagonism. In the end, I've also got the barb that during one of their visits, my son was so swayed by their arguments that for years afterwards, he told people he was an atheist, and so I thank them for their ministry and efforts to bring others into the light, as they did my son.


Last time they showed up I told them if I ever found them on my property again they wouldn't like the result. Haven't had a problem since

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