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LINK Trump Increasingly Obsessed With Audits As He Pushes Falsehood Election Was Stolen | Seattle Times

Either this guy just wants to push the envelope or he has gone completely off the rails. Don't know what is worse.

barjoe 9 June 3

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I suspect major cognitive dissonance, between what his ass-lickers tell him & what he wants, vs. what he can see, thru the mists clouding his "mind"


It keeps the money pouring in. At some point, soon, Biden and his Democratic majority in Congress need to put their foot down and say enough!


Trump knows he lost the election. What he is looking for now is someone with the ability and crooked enough to help him manipulate the numbers.

Unity Level 8 June 3, 2021

Unfortunately, there are many criminal wannabee sociopaths who will do just that.

@Organist1 Sadly true

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