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LINK Derek Chauvin Reveals 'Heart Damage' Diagnosis In Plea For No Prison Time

The "preliminary report suggests" a heart problem. 🙄

I wonder if they thought this up because they claimed Mr. Floyd died because of a heart problem. They could let someone kneel on Chauvin's neck for some 9+ minutes, in a prone position, just to verify if there's a heart condition. Just a thought. 🤔🤔

SeaGreenEyez 9 June 4

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Argument based on facts not in evidence. What heart?


Can't have "heart damage" when you do not have one! Groveling candyass, just like all bullies!



bobwjr Level 10 June 4, 2021

He doesn't have a heart.


He didn't show mercy for 9+ minutes on a man's neck.
Eff him. Let him die in prison.

Unity Level 8 June 4, 2021

His defense amounts to
"DUDE! C'MON, COMMMMM'ON until he killed someone, he was an employed family man, just like you 'n' me, a gud(ish) guy, so. Ah C'OOOOOMMMMMOOON We all make mistakes"


Good idea. This guy knows with his track record he is in deep doo doo in prison. Cops do not fair welm in prison in genrral, but this guy has got to be scared to death which is fine with me.

@SeaGreenEyez l did not know about the 14 year old. How that didn't get him kicked off of the force is an indictment on the whole system. Whatever happens to him will not be enough.


Not a bad idea.

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