She is more than just a bit nuts.
Poor her. I do my damndest to get through life without pain and suffering. Every now and then something you do not like sneaks in. Do not dwell on it. I recall once when my kid's mother got busted in the mouth by another woman. He reaction was "why me" and she had caused the problem.
Oh dear, oh dear, should I weep torrents of tears for her or should I let loose uncountable Cheers of Joy and Celebration at her self-imposed Depression problem/s?
NAH, why waste good tears on crap like her, Coffee is brewing, sweet biscuits are ready and waiting, Party is at my House, come and join in while we celebrate her self-imposed misfortunes.
No the nuts are actually bigger than what actually is in her head.
It can be depressing to see how many racist assholes there really are out there. Other than that, she is an asshole idiot.
She can go fuck herself.
I'm quite happy to be a feminist.
Fighting for everyone's rights to be equal doesn't depress me.
People like her who think they know better, and think they get to use their delusions to tell anyone how to live, piss me off.
That's not the same as depression.
Fighting for the equal rights of every citizen is empowering for all of us. The big lie that is racism, misogyny, etc. is that in order to raise people up to equal status others must somehow lose. Total Bullshit.