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You know you are in the Midwest when the humidity gauge breaks.

Holysocks 8 June 12

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Are you in Munchie Indiana? Here in Wisconsin we are in a drought but not as bad as the desert regions out west. People are "flooding" there despite the lack of water. 30% of Nevada's lawns are now outlawns. XERCESCAPE dammit. 58% humidity here & it feels thick as molasses as it sticks to the skin. I could never live much closer to the equator. I love the winter.

I lived in Idaho for a while and remember them being thankful for a day of light showers, then complaining if it sprinkled the next day.


You've got nuttin on New Orleans! When I attended Tulane, a fellow student from the jungles of Guatemala saids N'awlins' humidity is worse.


You don't know what high humidity is until you have lived in Florida. I have heard the humidity described as "air so thick you could grow things in it."

One of my sisters lived there for years. She would use the humidity instead of getting out a ladder.

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