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No matter how you choose to cut it, they are ALL cults of one sort or another.


I wish I could force my fundy daughter to read this. I would never see my grandkids again, though.


Yes bet on it

bobwjr Level 10 June 20, 2021

They are all cults.

They all want you to give them your money.

They all want you to abandon friends and family who don't have their group think.


God restoration? Is he getting a new beard? Having new toenails installed? New clouds on order?

I suppose after 2,000+ years he/she/it may need a full make-over by now......LOL.


Why do I care?


All religious groups are a cult.


I use to belong to the baptist cult and glad I left it. This community really opened my eyes.


ALL religions are cults.
Some have just been around longer and become mainstream.
They're all still cults, just the same.

KKGator Level 9 June 19, 2021

Some make more ridiculous and stupid claims than others.

And ALL churches are cults.

It seems to me they have tended to become more controlling and thus cult-like.

@RussRAB I was raised catholic. It is most definitely a cult.

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