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LINK Joe Biden Is Still “Deeply Catholic” Even If He Pushes Pro-Choice Policies | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

In response the Catholic bishops trying to exlude persons from communion if they have a pro choice stance.

snytiger6 9 June 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Because Joe understands SEPARATION of Church & State.......why is that a problem? Any more than JFK being Catholic was?
And I was around to watch the Ridiculous BS at that time..." The Pope will run the country" aaaand etc.
As a youngster I found it as patently ridiculous then as it is now!


Yes. I think that I have made this point, already, and the fact that he beat other D's, who weren't Catholic, should be noted by the d$A public. Religion is the problem.


Hearing news like that makes me glad I joined this community and not joined the catholic cult.

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