Thoughts on hormonal birth control for men, ie pill, injection, hormonal implant, etc...
But what about the side affects ??
Cry me a river. Female birth control has side affects too but weβre just supposed to suck it up.
@Shelton not to mention giving birth or suffering from a miscarriage. In addition to physical and psychological issues every damn month
@Decieven, @Marcie1974, @Shelton lol I knew that would get someone's blood boiling ..... Thanks for pointing out why men have no excuses to taking them
@Shelton my sincerest mind went right to the gutter on that one. Pun intended?
Itβs about damn time men start taking responsibility for birth control!
it is called a condom ?
@markdevenish until they βforgetβ or donβt like the way they feel, etc.
@Marcie1974 Or , it breaks
As the mother of an18 year old son (and a 21 year old daughter), I'd LOVE to see a safe, reliable birth control method for men. For those claiming one cannot trust men to use it: There's no guarantees with women either. Double potential coverage sounds pretty good to me!
Don't need it. Been shooting blanks since 1980 when I got a vasectomy. I took responsibility a long time ago.
Good for you! I asked my ex to get one since I had been on birth control for 15 years, delivered 2 babies and had a miscarriage. After a year I finally went in and got sterilized myself. Ultimately Iβm glad I did but it was kind of crappy he wouldnβt get it done.
@Marcie1974 Yes it was very crappy. Glad you moved on away from someone who cared so little about your feelings and needs.
My ONLY regret for getting it was when I lost my son in 2005.
@TheLiberalGent sorry to hear about your loss. My kids were 11 and 9 and I knew no matter what that I wasnβt having any more
@Marcie1974 I agree , I'd heard it's much more painful and invasive for women , than men , years go . When a momma cat gave birth to a litter of 6 kittens , I took all six in to be steralized , and learned then that the male kittens required only an incision so tiny that they did not even get one stitch to close it . I was told to keep the female kittens separated for a couple of days for her to rest and heal .
i know im not a dude and all, so i don't know how y'all feel about it. but i think it should for sure be available to them. i think it would be good to have more options. i know for some women, they opt for a longer lasting form of birth control for many reasons, some of which i think would be equally helpful to men. its nice for folks with a crappy memory, because, excluding the pill option, you don't have to remember to bring a condom every time(granted theres still STDs), studies have shown that it is more likely for a mishap to take place with a condom, slip off, put on wrong, break, crazy lady puts a hole in it, probably some more i can't think of. i know there are still going to be accidents with doctors, but they have many procedures in place to avoid them. also from what i understand, many men and even some women ive talked to, just don't like the feel of condoms. but be warned gents, there will be side affects!
All for it.
Fathered twins and immediately had a vasectomy.
Don't understand why more guys dont, rather they make it another way to subjugate women - making it their problem.
Just give me an axe, a bottle of whiskey and the steam iron .. i'll be back in an hour.
Seriously though why not? Snip snip seems sensible .. pretty sure you can do a temp snip male or female .. Please correct me if wrong
i don't know much about the male procedure, but as far as the ladies go, i recently had my tubes tied. i asked about this very thing. what i was told, was that they used to tell folks you could reverse it, and in some cases it worked, but there were all sorts of complications. now they tell you it can be reversed but that doesnt mean you will be able to carry a baby full term. they warn of tubal pregnancies mostly, but there are other concerns as well. basically he said they would do it if you insisted but they warn against it now. although there are two different methods, one using clips, the other cauterizes it. the clips you have a better shot if you want to change your mind, but they are known for falling off, so they don't really recommend them anymore. idk if that helped clear anything up but i hope so
@Byrd Oh shit ... I am laughing my face off at thought of two bulldog clips on my balls .. Maybe a set of mole grips would be effective.. Some novacain and bang apply the mole grips. Nothing is getting through that.
I honestly think it makes more sense for males to get the chop rather than females. Complications as you say. Also the fact males don't exactly always hang about to help out with offspring. So makes sense to neuter men like dogs lmao.. Sorry dudes I am letting the side down but hand in your fucking balls if you have a kid you don't care for. I think that is fair lol !! ...
I do think it makes sense. . . Mole grips lol
@Nickbeee lmao, and lady bits are one the inside, man bits are more could start a line of fashionable yet functional birth control clips for dudes! i can see it now! the new pick up wanna see my jewels? drops pants...actual jewels hanging from family jewels...i think id die laughing
@Byrd I already am dying laughing at this thought alone .. fantastic.. "Clip in my steed it's time" !!!! LMFAO ... Surely it is easier also to do a procedure on a guy due to the physicality too? I don't know I am just guessing.
You could have the ball restricter as a lasso slip knott lmfao!! with a remote control and electric shock wire.. But I digress!
Yeh surely it's easier to snip a dude was my dead serious point between the masochist ball hammering techniques..
Time for bed son.. Just got to Hammer your balls to make sure.. One little jab.
I know it was back in the stone age, but when my mother tried to have her tubal reversed, it was considered major surgery and didn't work. It may be easier to reverse now, but I doubt it.
@kiramea Yes, to be honest I was considering it more on the male side - It's shocking what is done to women lol !! seriously... Someone I know was telling me the other day. They have taken everything except her liver I think It's a bit barbaric to be honest. I really think be easier to do males.
I had a friend whose new husband reversed his vasectomy so they could have kids. He already had 2 in their 20s at the time.
They got one boy out of the deal. So yes it's not out of the question.
As a guy, I rather get fixed myself. When I was 20 yrs old (that was 23 yrs ago), I wanted to get fixed. At that time, people were saying no doctor would do that to any guy, untill he has kids of his own. I found that odd and never believed them. If a guy walks into a doctors office with money, he should get fixed without any questions. Needless to say, I never got fixed back then. Nor did I ever talked to a doctor about the procedure. Today, I am 43 now and want to get fixed, more then ever. I never seen the need to have kids, nor did I ever have the desire to have kids.
Make an appointment . Have it done . You won't even have to get your wife's or mother's permission , as used to be the requirement for women . It's your decision and your future . I and several others here , have already made those decisions , and followed up . No more little ones for us .
@Cast1es I am a single guy and been single for most of my life, thus I have no wife of a girlfriend. Needing the wife's or mother's permission is the first I ever heard of this. I will make an appt and talk to the doctor. Thanks.
@countrylife When I was young , women needed to get permission from her parents or husband to get fixed or to have an abortion . There was even a period of time , when women needed permission to get any kind of birth control . There was even a time before that , when birth control was illegal altogether . The Planned Parenthood originator was a nurse who fought for us and was even sent to jail to get access to birth control for us .
I have been asking my doctor for almost 10 years to tie my tubes and I'll be 43 in June and he still says "one more year". I'm all for male birth control but I would still take mine too, just in case ?
@KnowThyself it is so much easier for a guy to get fixed, then a woman. Recovery time is easier too.
@KnowThyself I don't get why your doctor wanta you wait so ling to get your tubes tied. It is your body and you have ultimate control if you want to get fixed or not.
Had that shit disconnected years ago. Best decision I ever made.
It would be great for convenience sake, but I donβt even think itβs healthy for women to mess with their hormones so I wouldnβt suggest it for anyone.
It would be curious to see how menβs behavior would change with a hormone pill. Unfortunately, it would probably have the undesirable affect of low sex drive or ED.
Don't need to worry about it.
Thats not what I meant lol
You didn't specify if this is only for men, so I'll add my 2 cents worth.
There are men and then there are men, first of all. Men are able to fertilize eggs, whereas men step up, delight in their offspring, and do their best for them.
Sterilization for women is invasive, (more) risky, and less likely to be reversible. Yet men are less likely to have any procedure done. In part, imo, this must stem from the fact, they aren't faced with the necessity of carrying the growing fetus for 9 months, then raising that tiny human from infancy to adulthood.
With today's science, surely a small device,
-implanted near the scrotum,
-attached to the fellow's tubes,
-designed to be simply reversible,
Could be -perhaps- even standard issue?
What might be the result to our society if the only children born were ones who were planned and wanted?
PS, there are way too many 'legal' drugs out there. I concur with the thought that, male or female, the less one messes with the endocrine system, the better
I didnβt specify because I wanted feedback from all, so Iβm happy to have your input. And as far hormonal bc, the jury is out for how any male-targeted drugs would effect them as the research is pretty nonexistent (partially why I posed this question to begin with) but in regards to female hormonal bc and in my limited understanding (via girlfriends and friends with whom Iβve been privy), often itβs been used at least in part to manage menstrual disorders so in that regard, Iβve always viewed them (the drugs) in a more positive light than others might be inclined to.
i remember seeing a picture of such a thing in Life magazine, not sure what happened to that
@njoy_life_2 "PS, there are way too many 'legal' drugs out there. I concur with the thought that, male or female, the less one messes with the endocrine system, the better"
That stuff gets in the water system also, like it or not.
I had a vasectormy over 50 years ago, takes the worry out of being close! Agree with the comments about a condom for STD's.
That said, I think my chances of having sex again are about the same as winning Powerball!
Well, maybe not, I live where prostitution is legal.
That would mean the guys would revert to not wearing a glove. NOT GOOD. [unless married and monogamous]
Not sure if I trust men enough to use it. Wouldn't count on to enough to stop using my own.
At work , my desk sat face to face with a female Marine's Desk . One day she told me about a Marine , at the barracks , who had gotten 5 female Marines pregnant . He prepared for a " date ," by using a needle to punch holes through the condom packets . The women would see him tearing open the packet and putting the condom on , and thought they were having safe sex . While I love the concept of responsible men , seeing to it that they were not having more than just sex , is there some way to validate that they have complied with what ever the requirement is ?
Itβs not for her, itβs for him. If she doesnβt want to get pregnant, she would do well to get on the pill. If he doesnβt want to get someone pregnant... he would probably appreciate being able to buy a pill too.
It can go the same way with women though. They can say theyβre on the pill when really they arenβt.
@Marcie1974 , Decieven I agree with you , but this topic was about some kind of male birth control . In addition , condoms provide some protection against STDs , but also , remove the desired sensations .
A condom is not only for birth control, but also for STD prevention (yes I know this topic is about male birth control but I wanted to put that out there). The only thing I can think of is the female insisting on using a condom they brought.
I know if I knew that the man I was with got five women pregnant, I would seriously reconsider me having sex with him.
As I understand it , the women did not know he was impregnating them . Let's try putting the shoe on your foot . You're young . Just graduated high school . Signed up for the military . You're in better shape than you've ever been . Guys start noticing you , possibly for the first time in your life . A guy , who's also looking physically fit , asks you out for a date . You may not even be anticipating having sex . He does not tell you , he's put holes in the condom . He does not tell you he's planning to prove his manhood , by getting as many girls pregnant as he can . At some point , not necessairly even the first date , you have sex . You think you had safe sex , because he used a new condom . Eventually , you develop morning sickness , but may not even consider that you're pregnant , just sick . In the mean time , he's been making the rounds . Eventually , a senior female officer , begins noticing , something is making her charges sick . She gets suspicious and starts interviewing the girls , and discovers what they all have in common . This is how the the female Marine sitting across from me explained it . What ever made you think he told those girls , before he impregnated them , that this is what he was planning ?
If we had male birth control, they'd be only women left. Then you wouldn't need any.
We are already surplus bud. There are enough good DNA sources backed up as long as sperm banks can be sustained on ice.
We are gone ..
Actually , they developed a means of some control , as to which gender a baby would likely be . When doing artificial insemination , they start with a vial of sperm , put it on one of those medical spin machines , to separate the , "males ," from the , " females , ' then use only the desired sperm to impregnate the egg .