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As an unabashed athiest. I gotta wonder where god and jesus were hiding when at the end of WW2, 4 women Allied spies were killed by first injecting phenol making them comatose and then put in the ovens and cremated at Natzweiler concentration camp.

Healthydoc70 7 July 12

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they were spies, i mean what would you expect? Jeez they even got knocked out first, i mean pls

“As an unabashed atheist, i gotta wonder where god and Jesus were hiding”
but i thought atheists did not believe in god or Jesus?


Where were they during the rest of WWII and all of history for that matter? Countless people have died and continue to die in horrible, twisted ways at the hands of others. God supposedly knows all about it yet does nothing to stop it because, "Oh, the evil will be punished when they die and the good will be rewarded"? That's a fucked up system.

Frankly, that's more proof that there is no god. People should not have to endure literal torture on an unproven promise of a good afterlife.

Kynlei Level 8 July 12, 2021

that’s a fucked up system bc it isn’t in there, with all due respect; the concept of “afterlife” comes to us from the cult of sol Invictus apparently, but “afterlife” cannot be Quoted from the Bible, refs on request. Did you accept the interpretation of believers maybe? Why?

the kingdom of heaven is within you
No one has ever gone up to heaven…
I came that you might have LIFE, more abundantly

so i mean don’t get me wrong, as an “atheist” you are certainly entitled to believe whatever you like, but we only fool ourselves, imo

@bbyrd009 I don't really understand what you're getting at. I'm just going off what I half-assed learned from Christianity as a kid. I don't personally believe any religion and certainly don't care to study it.

@Kynlei ha well me neither 🙂


The philosophy and meaning of "god and jesus" being 2 seperate things? You might be onto something.

Word Level 8 July 12, 2021

If God does exist he is one sick fuck for sure. If we treated our children the way he treats his "children" we would all be in prison.

Ha but if it is strictly nature it’s ok huh? lol
Contemplate a “God” that does not exist, maybe
or i mean stay gnostic and pissed off, ok with me, kids always know better than their parents right

How might you teach kids the futility of war without letting them go to war? Ever told a little baby kid not to put their hand in the fire bc “it burns?” On kid two you for sure know that they are going to be needing burn cream in 3, 2, 1…right?

@bbyrd009 If it is nature, it is what it is. if there actually were a God/Gods of course it would be incredibly cruel on his/hers/their part. This is not complicated. Don't try to make it so.

@Sticks48 seems simple, sure, but note how you have defined this god/gods to suit you, before you even get started “not believing” him/it? Fwiw i don’t believe in that god either ok; im with you there. It would be incredibly cruel from our point of view, if god were invested with the personality that we inevitable assign to “him,” sure

so i mean try not doing that, even just for a thought experiment maybe

@bbyrd009 Modeling their Gods after humans is exactly what humans have done with most if not all of their Gods.


Perhaps God is also restricted by the Prime Directive?

Perhaps you got a bad concept of God?

@bbyrd009 What, there's a good one?

@racocn8 well, “bad, good” i dunno, but there might be a more accurate one, that is likely…less definable than we would like. What’s wrong with something like “Maybe” or even “Who really knows?”

@racocn8 I agree with you. Like Hesse said, the concept of god is an insanity. Could there be a good insanity or a bad insanity??

@bbyrd009 Let us know if you come up with a definition that obliges action on our part.

@Healthydoc70 i completely agree with Hesse, if the “Christian” concept of “God” is used. Iow i completely disagree with Hesse, who was an idiot to accept believer interpretations at face value imo

@racocn8 I said “you are Elohim” maybe?
but no action is obliged that i am aware of? The priest and the Levite saw a guy in a ditch and crossed to the other side of the road, right
And they didn’t get zapped or anything?
But it was the “atheist” who Jesus praised for doing the right thing eh

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