Most smart scientists believe we all have to work together globally to rid the world of Pandemics. Letting other countries starve and not get a vaccine will only create more variants. This Virus may be the catalyst to bring us together?
If not, it is Plague Whack-A-Mole. Or worse?
we are sending vaccines and so are some other of the g7
Who exactly is not letting other countries have vaccines?
Hint: less crack, less meth, decaf, then post! Thanks in advance
My comment: "Most smart scientists believe we all have to work together globally to rid the world of Pandemics. Letting other countries starve and not get a vaccine will only create more variants. This Virus may be the catalyst to bring us together" If not, it is Plague Whack-A-Mole. Or worse?
We need to ramp up sharing the vaccine, and you are playing semantics with my comment. We do the same thing with the food we grow and let other countries starve. That is what I meant. Would you please extrapolate a statement in a logical and meaningful manner that is not drug-related?
Frankly, Anne, I find your "less crack, less meth, decaf, then post!" Childish at best. This is the 2nd time you have said this to me. Is this your go-to for a comment when you disagree and can't formulate a statement worthy of this site? I don't want to get into with you, and you're entitled to make comments, but play nice, and don't make comments to me again if that's the best you have to say? "Thanks in advance."
@Tourirst my "go-to comment" has always been ,"Ohferpetessake".
What youm ight find useful is less blanket/lumped together statements, do you notice you ain't getting any replies? Statements that throw "starve" in with a stement about vaccines, neither which is very true, doesn't help anyone.
Oh, and just for food for thought....if we send tons of food, it harms farmers in other countries, encourages our farmers to overuse the land, and makes possible breeding more you think those things are desirable?
@AnneWimsey the entire world needs one flag. Run like a company. A smart company that takes care of all humanity. We are not on the same page Anne. goodbye.